Monday, April 4, 2011


Part 1 (Go to: Part 2 )

Mr. Jahanshah Javid (if that is his real name) purportedly created and moderates the website:  In my opinion, Mr. Javid and his website should be avoided if you care about the existence of Iran and the people of Iran.   After studying the website, there are many reasons for this conclusion, only some of which I have detailed here.  Nevertheless, I believe that these reasons alone are sufficient grounds for permanently avoiding Mr. Javid and his website irrespective of any 'ownership changes.'

At a time when the United States and Israel have repeatedly and publicly threatened to destroy Iran, through innuendos of nuclear strikes; have caused to be placed economic sanctions on the ordinary people of Iran; and engaged in a multitude of extremely harmful actions against ordinary Iranians, sponsors advertisements for the U.S. Military and Israel.

It is public knowledge that Israel and the U.S. Military have sponsored extremely hostile acts against Iran, that no Iranian, irrespective of how he or she may feel about a particular politician in Iran, should accept.  

Mr. Javid's and's explanations as to the website's open support for Israel and the U.S. Military against this factual backdrop are not only ridiculous - his site (which claims to be a platform for free speech) censored me when I inquired as to its advertising practices, and later put up an absurd and evasive explanation.

For purposes of criticism and comment, examples of's advertising are reproduced below - they include repeated advertisements for native Persian speakers to join the U.S. military and advertisements for propaganda posted by Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel.

One could write many lengthy books about the U.S. and Israeli mischief against Iran and Iranians, both historical and contemporary, but a few quick descriptions of Israel's and the U.S. Military's recent hostile acts against Iran have included the following:

1.  Organizing and funding ethnic strife in Iran to spawn separatist movements in Iran that seek to partition Iran into several countries;

2.  Demonizing the people of Iran - while the U.S. government has taken no serious and comprehensive steps towards reducing systemic discrimination against Iranians living within its borders;

3.   Engaging in terrorist activities in Iran that have killed ordinary Iranian citizens, and bombings in public places.

4.  Permitting the U.S. Navy to alter the name of the Persian Gulf  to the A r a b i a n  G u l f.

Under the above facts and circumstances -- all of which are widely known by the general public -- Mr. Javid and ran the advertisement appearing below.  

I politely complained about the advertisements, and I was immediately banned from  It seems that when the chorus of protests grew, Mr. Javid  then wrote an "apology" on December 26, 2010 claiming that the advertisements were already paid for; that was going through "a major reorganization" (whatever that means); and that will have "new partners" (though he does not specify in his "apology" who these "new partners" are or what the implications are on the content appearing on his site).  Mr. Javid also claims that he "had forgotten" to mention to his "advertising manager" to refuse these types of advertisements.  Though on December 26, 2010 Mr. Javid claimed in writing that the advertisements would be running through the end of January 2011, as of April 04, 2011 (two months later) those advertisements are still up and running on his site, and new ones like it have also appeared.  Even more troubling, Mr. Javid claims that the present advertisers "have paid us directly." Oddly enough, Mr. Javid boasts in his "apology" of having blocked Israeli military ads - though two months after his apology, new advertisements promoting propaganda by the head of the Israeli armed forces are running on his site!  Though Mr. Javid states that he has a background in journalism, he is not very good at reporting facts, particularly those that pertain to a betrayal of his purported country of origin.  

One thing is for certain, no proud Iranian can in good faith support Mr. Javid or any further.  I will also permanently boycott any other businesses advertising on

April 04, 2011 Ads running on next to Mr. Javid's "apology" from  December 26, 2010:

While Mr. Javid and censor content regarding their questionable business practices, they appear to not have any issues repeatedly allowing for the posting hateful material against Iranians, as the two screenshots below should indicate:

The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to call for all advertising and content to be pulled from - Mr. Javid's recourse then will be the following based on whatever set of facts actually apply to the situation at hand: (1) to accept his own poor business decisions; (2) to file legal claims against whomever may improperly have caused advertising that was anti-Iranian to be published on his site; and (3) to submit to a detailed interview about his business practices and background.  

Lastly, if the U.S. Military wants to rename a map with Arabic names it is welcome to start here:

* Update: Part II to Follow !
There will be a Second Part to this post concerning Jahanshah Javid's &'s, advertisers, supporters, employees, sources of financing, and other miscellaneous information like what and Mr. Javid do with information they obtain concerning you.  

In the future there will be a link here providing an update to this story - in the meantime if Mr. Javid and the other owners and operators of would like to substantively respond to the points raised herein, they are more than welcome to.  Those that care about Iran & Iranians should insist they do.  
Please check back for the update link. 
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